Previous Polls
What was the highlight of the Carmen movie?
Hardeep Urinating (4) 33%
Sidd being danced around as he grins (4) 33%
That dashing matador (1) 33% (At least some people with good taste visit this site)
Janet being a whinny loser (0) 0%
Janet PLAYING a whinny loser (0) 0%
Cora's ass grab (1) 8% (And NO, this was not my vote)
The beautiful signing in the proper octet (1) 0%
Leanne showing some leg (1) 8%
Snazy Scabble intro, credits and bloopers (0) 0%
Other: Jason not falling off chairs (1) 8% (I have no idea either)
What will you miss the most about IB?
The Sarcasm (15) 45%
The Coke (0) 0%
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (0) 0%
Nizar/Oleg (3) 9%
French Spare (3) 9%
Insightful ToK discusions (1) 3%
Nonsensical ToK discusions (4) 12%
Disturbing french videos (3) 9%
Hours upon hours of homework (0) 0%
Absolutely nothing (4) 12%
Who won the infamous trivial pursuit game?
Guys won (3) 30%
Girls won (5) 50%
Tie (2) 20%
ed. note: Well what do you expect from an internet vote?
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